Fleet Sq, Lancaster LA1 1BN
Property Features
- Close to City Centre
- Brand New Layout and Interior
- Busy Corner Location
Property Summary
Full Details
Located right on the corner of busy Cable street and Damside street, just outside Lancaster's pedestrianised city centre.
This lovely little property measures approximately 34 square meters in total, consisting of a small vestibule leading onto an open area which is perfect for an office or little shop and in the back there is a generous staff kitchen and toilet.
Office/ Shop: measures approx 6 m x 4m and totals approx 25.5 m2.
Kitchen: measures 2 m x 2.75 m totalling approx 5.5 m2. Large enough for a small table and chairs to use as a staff room.
Toilet: measures approx 1.3 m x 2.2m totalling 3 m2. A generous size consisting of a toilet and hand wash basin.
£650 per month
Fully insuring and leasing agreement.
Flexible terms for the right tenant (rent-free periods/ lower rent periods TBA)
Rateable Value
TBC: This property has not been rated in its current state
Use Class
The property is currently classed as Class E.
Alternative uses may be considered subject to obtaining the necessary planning consent.
The landlord will insure the building and recover the costs from the in-going tenant upon demand. The tenant is responsible for obtaining contents insurance.
Misrepresentation Act
Catons for themselves and the vendors or lessors of this property, give notice that: a) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permission or use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. c) no person in the employment of Catons has any authority to make any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. JAN 2023